New Chocolates UAU Cacau I Terra Bona
November 06, 2020
Os novos chocolates da UAU Cacau, aromatizados com o nosso branco "Terra Bona Family Harvest 2018", que obteve recentemente medalha de Ouro no "Mondial des Vins Extrêmes 2020"
Somos terrivelmente suspeitos, mas estão um estrondo.
Ao Tony e a toda a equipa da UAU Cacau, o nosso especial agradecimento pelo desafio que nos lançaram.
The new chocolates from UAU Cacau, flavored with our white "Terra Bona Family Harvest 2018", who recently won a gold medal at the "Mondial des vins extrêmes 2020"
We are terribly suspicious, but the chocolates are exceptional.
To Tony and the entire UAU Cacau team, our special thanks for the challenge that you launched us.
Criação I Creation UAU Cacau
Chocolate artesanal | Hand made chocolate

Gold Medal at "Mondial des Vins Extremes 2020" - Terra Bona Family Harvest 2018 White Wine
September 03, 2020
A segunda colheita do nosso vinho branco "Terra Bona Family Harvest 2018" foi galardoado com medalha de Ouro no Mondial des Vins Extremes", realizado no fim de semana passado em Itália
O concurso seleciona os melhores vinhos, de todo o Mundo, provenientes da viticultura extrema e visa promover e defender a produção em pequenas áreas vitícolas, de difícil produção e que se definem por uma história particular e ricas tradições.
785 vinhos de regiões de 39 países, onde se incluem regiões de Itália,, Alemanha, França, Espanha, Chile, Argentina, etc..... e Portugal estiveram sob avaliação.
The second harvest of our white wine "Terra Bona Family Harvest 2018" was awarded a Gold medal at the Mondial des Vins Extremes ", held last weekend in Italy We are a family owned and operated business. The contest selects the best wines, from all over the world, from extreme viticulture and aims to promote and defend production in small wine-growing areas, which are difficult to produce and which are defined by a particular history and rich traditions. 785 wines from regions in 39 countries, including regions in Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Chile, Argentina, etc ..... and Portugal were under evaluation.

A second new wine project with "Terrantez" variety
May 22, 2020
Com a autorização do IVBAM, plantamos este mês uma segunda nova casta, "Terrantez", típica da Madeira, e uma das castas mais nobres do nosso Vinho Madeira. Mas, esta nossa nova plantação visa a produção de um novo vinho branco, no qual depositamos muitas esperanças.
With the authorization of IVBAM, this month we planted a new grape variety, "Terrantez", typical of Madeira, and one of the most noble varieties of our Madeira Wine. However, this new plantation of ours aims to produce a new white wine, in which we have many hopes.

A new white wine project with "Loureiro" variety
April 17, 2020
Com a autorização do IVBAM, plantamos no mês passado uma nova casta, "Loureiro", típica do Norte de Portugal, acreditando que a acidez característica do nosso Terroir promoverá uma experiência diferenciadora desta casta.
With the authorization of IVBAM, a new variety, "Loureiro", typical of northern Portugal, has already been planted. We believe that the characteristic acidity of our Terroir will promote a differentiating experience of this variety.

White Wine Hour at Home
March 20, 2020
Dear friends,
One day, closer than far, we hope, we will be toasting togheter.
Meanwhile, at home we toast to LIFE, FAMILY, and to ALL OF YOU.
Maria João, Marco and sons
Wine Family
For now, Stay home; Dream online; Visit us later

Abertura da nossa loja online / Online shop launch
December 08, 2019
A partir de agora expedimos para qualquer parte do País, bem como, para a Europa, EUA, Hong Kong e Japão. Demais países, sob consulta prévia, por potenciais restrições à entrada.
Ship to all over the country, Europe, USA, Hong Kong and Japan. Other coutries, upon prior consultation, due to potential entry restrictions.

Best Harvest Picture Competition 2019 Winerist magazine
November 04, 2019
"It is a delight to announce you that your winery is the winner of our Best Harvest Picture Competition 2019"
Partilhamos convosco a noticia que recebemos hoje da Revista Internacional WINERIST Wine & Food Experiences. É com enorme alegria, muito sentida, que nós agradecemos a cada um de vós o espectacular apoio, ajuda, e partilha que recebemos ao longo da última semana.
Afinal ganhamos todos.
O nosso muito obrigado.
Maria João, Marco e filhos

Na Adega com a nossa filha mais pequena / In the Winery with our little daughter
September 10, 2019
Apesar da uva ter sido selecionada na véspera da vindima, ainda na vinha, a nossa filha mais pequena também ajudou na selecção final da uva na Adega. É com esta paixão e alegria, que partilhamos estes pequenos momentos convosco.
Although the grape was selected on the eve of the vintage, still in the vineyard, our youngest daughter also helped in the final selection of the grape in the winery. It is with this passion and joy that we share these small moments with you.

Moon Harvest 3rd Wine Campaign
September 09, 2019
As vindimas começaram às 05 da manhã com a família e amigos, evitando o sol e a fermentação da uva antes de entrar na Adega.
Harvesting began at 5 am with family and friends, avoiding the sun and the fermentation of grapes before entering the winery.
La récolte a commencé à 5 heures du matin avec la famille et les amis, en évitant le soleil et la fermentation des raisins avant d'entrer dans la cave.

Apresentação Nova Imagem e Novos Vinhos / New Brand Image & New Wines
September 08, 2019
In this day, our Family, presented the 3 new Terra Bona 2018 white wines and our new brand image, as well as the new tourism project that will be born in our vineyards.
Following the recente success of our white wines, our family is preparing to create a new concept of wine tourism, linked to nature.

Jantar de Vinhos Madeirenses / Madeira Wine Dinner
August 29, 2019
Today we had a beautiful Madeira wine tasting dinner at the UVA restaurante at the roof top of the "The Vine Hotel", where our Terra Bona Family Harvest 2018 white wine was present.
For the second year, congratulations for the Team Event on the way you promoted the wines of our land. With elegance, distinction, and knowledgeable of the best of what each experience has to offer.
From us, thank you very much.

Wine Tasting, Terra Bona Vineyards.
June 15, 2019
We invited our customers to tast two of the new three 2018 harves, know our vineyards and the wine project that we are building.
Thank you all.

The Art of Flavours, Belmond Reids Palace Hotel, Madeira Island
June 14, 2019
A special day in our family. Our awarded white wine, Terra Bona Family Harvest 2017, was chosen for the wine list of "The Art of Flavours" Event, at the Belmond Reid`s palace Hotel, Madeira Island.
Thank you for the opportunity and confidence in our white wine for this special moment.
An unique white wine produced on the limits of our Laurel Forest, a UNESCO World Natural Heritage, with 25 million years of biological history.

90 Points Robert Parker / Wine Advocate "Terra Bona Family Harvest 2017"
April 29, 2019
“...This is pretty nice. Crisp and fresh with a touch of grapefruit on the finish, it lingers nicely and shows off some tension. The juicy finish grabs the palate. It is a little more austere in flavor than some Rieslings, but it has fine fruit nonetheless. This is an impressive debut that looks capable of aging a reasonable time as well. Good Riesling must hold a bit, of course, to be deemed truly distinguished. There, we'll see, but it is worth leaning up just now. In the meanwhile, many will find it to be just what they want in a Riesling-ish wine…”
Marc Squires, April 2019

Licença em Produção Integrada / Integrated Production mode Licence / Licence en mode Production Intégrée
March 21, 2019
Hoje é um dia especial para a Terra Bona Wine Family. As nossas vinhas receberam a Certificação e Licença para produção Integrada. Um pequeno reconhecimento e passo mais no nosso compromisso de produção ambientalmente sustentável e responsável.
Today is a special day for Terra Bona Wine Family. Our vineyards received the Licence and Certification in Integrated Production Mode. A smal recognition and one more step in our commitment to environmentally sustainable and responsable production.. A small recognition in our commitment to environmentally sustainable and responsable production.
Aujourd`hui est une journée spéciale pour la familie de vins Terra Bona. Nos vignobles ont reçula licence et certification em mode de production integrée. Une petite reconnaissance pour notre engagement en faveur dùne production durable et responsable sur le plan environnemental.

Terra Bona Family Harvest 2017 White Wine at Art/Visa Event in Hong Kong
January 18, 2019
Our "Terra Bona Family Harvest 2017" white wine was chosen for the ArtVisa Event in Hong Kong in the last 2 days that brought togheter 22 Portuguese artists at the Usagi Art Gallery.
A promotional moment for the North Coast of Madeira on this voyage through seas once navigated by illustrious Portuguese Navigators.
Our special thanks to the entire ArtVisa team for your trust.
Notre vin blanc "Terra Bona Family Harvest 2017" a été choisi pour l'événement ArtVisa à Hong Kong qui s'est déroulé au cours des deux derniers jours au cours duquel il a rassemblé les œuvres de 22 artistes portugais à Usagi Art.
Un parfum promotionnel de la côte nord de Madère lors de ce voyage à travers les mers autrefois navigué par d'illustres Portugais.
Nous remercions tout particulièrement l'équipe d'ArtVisa pour leur confiance.

Evento "Food for Change"
October 25, 2018
O prestigiado Hotel Casa Velha do Palheiro, membro Relais & Châteaux, associou-se este fim de semana à acção Food for Change. O Evento, concebido pela própria marca Relais & Châteaux em parceria com a Slow Food, visou demonstrar que é possível agir na luta contra as mudanças climáticas e a proteção da biodiversidade de animais e plantas.
O nosso especial agradecimento a toda a Equipa da Casa Velha do Palheiro pelo excelente momento passado, bem como, pela v/ confiança no nosso vinho branco Terra Bona Family Harvest 2017 para um dos 3 vinhos eleitos para acompanhar a extraordinária experiência gastronómica tida.
The prestigious 5*Hotel Casa Velha do Palheiro, Relais & Châteaux member, has joined the Food for Change action this weekend. The event, designed by the Relais & Châteaux brand in partnership with Slow Food, aims to demonstrate that it is possible to act in the fight against climate change and the protection of biodiversity of animals and plants.
Our special thanks to the entire team of the Casa Velha do Palheiro Hotel for the excellent moment spent, as well as, for your confidence on our white wine Terra Bona Family Harvest 2017 for one of the 3 wines chosen to accompany the extraordinary gastronomic experience had.

Opinião da Enófila Filipa Aveiro / Oenophile's opinion Filipa Aveiro
September 13, 2018
"O aroma agradável desperta os nossos sentidos. No nariz sente-se a frescura que desponta as brisas do norte da Ilha, e no paladar, surge a sensação de um vinho leve, marcado pelas suaves notas florais e já com alguma mineralidade que, possivelmente, ficará mais marcada com o tempo de garrafa".
"The pleasant aroma awakens our senses. On the nose, one can feel the freshness of the northern breezes of the Island, and on the palate, the sensation of a light wine, marked by soft floral notes and already with some minerality that, possibly, will be more marked with the time in bottle"

2ª Vindima da familia / 2º Family hand harvest & 1st Moon harvest
September 10, 2018
Nesta 2ª campanha procedeu-se a uma seleção muito rigorosa das uvas recolhidas e entradas na Adega, bem como, procedeu-se às vindimas entre as 05h e as 11h da manhã, evitando o impacto do calor do dia nas uvas recolhidas..
In this second campaign a very rigorous selection of the grapes collected and entered in the Winery took place, as well as, the harvest were made between 05h and 11h of the morning, avoiding the impact of the heat of the day on the grapes collected.

Jantar de Vinhos Madeirenses / Madeira Wine Dinner
August 30, 2018
Jantar de Vinhos Madeirenses, onde o nosso vinho branco, Terra Bona Family Harvest 2017 marcou presença. No Restaurante Guia Michelin, "UVA", no "The Vine Hotel", Funchal.
Madeira Wine Dinner, where our white wine, Terra Bona Family Harvest 2017 was present. At the Michelin Guide Restaurant, "UVA", at the 5 stars The Vine Hotel, Funchal.
Lançamento Oficial do nosso 1º Vinho Branco DOP Madeirense TERRA BONA Family Harvest 2017
April 13, 2018
Um agradecimento especial a todos os presentes, pela confiança que vos merecemos no inicio desta nossa pequena aventura.
Official Launch of our 1st DOP Madeira White Wine TERRA BONA Family Harvest
A special thanks to all present for the confidence that we deserve from you at the beginning of our little adventure.

A Pintura do nosso Rótulo por ... / Our label Painting by ...
Tony Kitchell, artista e surfista de origem britânica, e a sua esposa Rose apaixonaram-se pela Madeira à 15 anos atrás, dividindo a sua vida entre a nossa Ilha e o País de Gales.
Tivemos a sorte de contar com a sua paixão no rótulo do nosso vinho.
Obrigado a ambos..
Tony Kitchell, British artist and surfer, and his wife Rose fell in love with Madeira 15 years ago, dividing their life between our Island and Wales.
We were fortunate to have their passion on the label of our wine.
Thank you both.
Janeiro January 2018

A 1ª Vindima em Setembro 2017
O resultado da 1ª vindima da família.
Our first family harvest

Em defesa do nosso vinho de mesa
O que outros fazem lá fora.
Artigo DN Madeira Abril 2015